46. Pablo Gascon - Breathework, movement, music & connection (Temple Dance Project)

This week I am connecting with Pablo Gascon all the way from Sevilla, Spain for a conversation about The Temple Dance project that guides people thru a journey of exploring the mind, body & soul connection. Pablo has been a yoga teacher for over ten years, traveling the world and sharing his gifts with people around the planet. He is now facilitating ”The Temple Dance Project” where he combines movement, breathe work, music and other energizing practices to guide people into a deeper connection with themselves. This is a conversation about: The impact of movement, music & breathe work when it comes to the connection to ourselves Eye gazing, why is it that so many people fear being truly seen and what can happen if we let go of the fear? Death and its many perspectives JOIN COMMUNITY: facebook.com/groups/mofjrdtalkscommunity CONNECT WITH PABLO GASCON: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pablogasconlife CONNECT WITH MADELEINE MOFJRD: Instagram: instagram.com/mofjrd Website: mofjrd.se Collaboration & request: madeleine@mofjrdtalks.se MY INTENTION: To empower YOU to be more of YOU

Om Podcasten

Podcasten ”Perspektiv - för en mer hälsosam relation till dig själv och andra” drivs utifrån intentionen att vara en del i att skapa ett samhälle av välmående och stärkta individer. Madeleine Mofjärd möter gäster från världen över inom områden som på olika sätt rör den mänskliga upplevelsen såsom personlig utveckling, relationer, kommunikation och sexualitet. I segmentet "Going Deeper" öppnar Madeleine och Peter Nilsson dörren till deras egen relation och bjuder in lyssnarna till en sårbar och modig värld av relationer.