51. Kelsey Grant - Radical Self Love

Radical self love This week I am connecting with the love educator and relationship coach Kelsey Grant for a conversation about radical self love. Kelsey is the founder of The Legendary Love Academy and the host of The pleasure portal podcast and today we meet for a conversation about: How to express your needs in a way that makes it easy for your partner to meet them Why boundaries is a great investment to prevent resentment in relationships and how to actually set them in a healthy way How radical self love is essential for any kind of relating with others This one is for you who are longing to create the love that makes you fly. SUPPORT my mission of changing the world for the better, become a monthly contributor at www.patreon.com/mofjrdtalks JOIN COMMUNITY: facebook.com/groups/mofjrdtalkscommunity CONNECT WITH KELSEY GRANT: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/radicalselflove/ CONNECT WITH MADELEINE MOFJRD: Instagram: instagram.com/mofjrd Website: mofjrd.se Collaboration & request: madeleine@mofjrdtalks.se WANT ME TO DESIGN YOU AN INSPIRING WEBSITE? www.mofjrdwebsites.se MY INTENTION: To empower YOU to be more of YOU

Om Podcasten

Podcasten ”Perspektiv - för en mer hälsosam relation till dig själv och andra” drivs utifrån intentionen att vara en del i att skapa ett samhälle av välmående och stärkta individer. Madeleine Mofjärd möter gäster från världen över inom områden som på olika sätt rör den mänskliga upplevelsen såsom personlig utveckling, relationer, kommunikation och sexualitet. I segmentet "Going Deeper" öppnar Madeleine och Peter Nilsson dörren till deras egen relation och bjuder in lyssnarna till en sårbar och modig värld av relationer.