84. Justine Baruch - Intimacy, polarity, conflict & the difference between the masculine & the feminine

Are you having a hard time to understand your partner? Maybe, you’re longing to better navigate the differences between the masculine and the feminine in order to find a deeper sense of intimacy and passion? THIS EPISODE HELPS YOU NAVIGATE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MEN AND WOMEN I connect with Justine Baruch for a conversation about intimacy, polarity, conflict and learning to navigate the dance between the masculine and the feminine. In this conversation you will hear us talk about: How men and women experience intimacy differently - and how to meet each others needs in a way that creates passion How men and women deals with conflict differently - and how to navigate that Coming back to connection after conflict How to express your desires in a way that inspires (Request vs. demand) Learning to understand how men and women process emotions differently This is a conversation for you who are longing to better navigate the dance between the masculine and the feminine - and oh, did I mention that you’re in for a TREAT? Contact Justine Baruch: https://justinebaruch.com/  Madeleine on the web: https://www.mofjrd.com Madeleine on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mofjrd Join the Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mofjrdcommunity Share your contribution on SWISH: 123 614 75 24 Share your contribution on PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/mofjrd Sponsorship and collaborations: madeleine@mofjrd.com

Om Podcasten

Podcasten ”Perspektiv - för en mer hälsosam relation till dig själv och andra” drivs utifrån intentionen att vara en del i att skapa ett samhälle av välmående och stärkta individer. Madeleine Mofjärd möter gäster från världen över inom områden som på olika sätt rör den mänskliga upplevelsen såsom personlig utveckling, relationer, kommunikation och sexualitet. I segmentet "Going Deeper" öppnar Madeleine och Peter Nilsson dörren till deras egen relation och bjuder in lyssnarna till en sårbar och modig värld av relationer.