Episode 14: 'CAN WE GET A SCENE CLAP' Sustainability, Presenting and Manifesting with Fiona and Youth

This week's podcast brings me overwhelming joy that I cannot even try to sum up in this description. I am joined in London by Youth and Fiona Short, two BBC3 Presenters who's show 'Deadstock' will be released this Saturday. The series follows Fiona and youth as they travel around the U.K to visit people with collectibles and treasures (think antiques roadshow, but young). Fiona and Youth both are famed Depop sellers (with a combined following of 274,000) and have supported themselves by sourcing handpicked and secondary hand garments and reselling them on the platform, it has led them to find a community of like minded and creative friends including each other. As well as clothing, Deadstock and sustainability, Fiona, Youth and I bonded and found friendship with our belief in law of attraction and manifestation. We are all extremely passionate on the subject and share each of our individual and unique methods of how we manifest. I have been asked a lot recently if I practice law of attraction and if I would speak about it, but I was scared because it's a belief and coping mechanism that has helped me through some trying times... so I was delighted to speak about with my two friends on how it has all impacted us differently. Follow Fiona (@fionajhappy) and Youth (@youth_i.d ) on Instagram for more of their beautiful faces. Of course thank you to Depot, not only for sponsoring this podcast but also for bringing us all together. To Fiona and Youth, I am grateful to you two beyond belief for your friendship and love. Thank you two for being you. This week's Depop Shops are of course @fionashort and @youthclubstore. Thank you so much for watching. If you enjoyed this podcast please hit like below and subscribe, as it really helps me out. LOVE!

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Interviewing 90s babies, generation z, and those "lazy millenials" we all know and love. Listen for opinions and stories from us twenty somethings from all different paths and places on any topic we can muster, be that porn, identity, art or activism. Make sure to rate and review!