Where is Fashion's Social Responsibility

In this episode I have the flu, and I'm sorry about that. However following the devastating fire in a factory in New Delhi I was inspired to speak out on where the ethics of fashion influencing starts and ends.

I highly recommend you read this article in relation to the podcast: https://www.ft.com/content/e427327e-5892-11e8-b8b2-d6ceb45fa9d0

Thank you Depop for sponsoring this podcast. The depot shop of the week is @jadepalacecollective because they source and stock the most AMAZING shoes and bags... download depot on IOS or Android or go to depot.com to get started.

Om Podcasten

Interviewing 90s babies, generation z, and those "lazy millenials" we all know and love. Listen for opinions and stories from us twenty somethings from all different paths and places on any topic we can muster, be that porn, identity, art or activism. Make sure to rate and review!