Finding Order In The Chaos with Julie Morgenstern!

Julie Morgenstern is an organization and productivity expert. She is the author of several New York Times bestselling books including, "Time to Parent: Organizing Your Life to Bring Out the Best in Your Child and You" and "Organizing from the Inside Out." For over 30 years Julie has helped people, companies and most importantly PARENTS, overcome disorganization to achieve their goals by designing “Inside Out” systems of time and space that feel natural, and easy to maintain. Be sure to check out her latest book "Time To Parent" which is out now. In this episode, Julie talks about becoming organized after she became a parent, and the benefits of being organized. The goal being organization helps you be present with your kids. Plus, how we can teach our children organization skills at a very young age! She provides tons of insight on being organized with parenting, your home and everything else in your life.  Favorite Things: Daphne: Sliced Tiger Nuts  Hilaria: Nexel Wire Shelf Julie: The Sleep Cycle App Email us with your questions at and follow us on Instagram, just search for @MomBrain. We answer a lot of your questions on there! Check out videos of our episodes on our new YouTube channel! We also invite you to become a member of Mom Brain's official Facebook Group.

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We get it. Being a mom is full-on and full-time. Equal parts FUN and WTF. Our kids don’t come with instructions, and it’s ok if we don’t have all the answers. We’ll figure it out together. The best advice comes from our favorite experts and doctors, trusted mom friends, and learning on the job. Get your coffee — or wine! — and tune in to hear us spill it all. We got this. This is MOM BRAIN with Hilaria Baldwin and Daphne Oz.