Lease Options - No Money Down Deals

Lease option expert Richard Shepherd joins us today to share how to invest using lease options. Most people only know one method for using lease options but in this episode you will learn the 4(!) primary ways you can use lease options to successfully make property investments. Richard Shepherd teaches all over the UK, he has been an advisor to the office of fair trade, been featured on SkyTV and is considered the premier Lease Option teacher in the UK! Also learn Richards predictions for the future of our financial system!

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Welcome to Momentum Investing! Meet the most successful, inspirational and experienced investors and entrepreneurs in property investing. Our goal is to give you all the tools you need in order to become successful property investor. When listening to our podcast you will learn everything from how to find your first deal, build your team, calculate deals to raising money and how to keep motivated when you face challenges. You will learn from the best in the business exactly what it is that made them successful and makes them tic!