Money Is Debt

How most money, such as currency, bank deposits, money market mutual funds, and repurchase agreements, is really short-term debt, often backed by other debt. As a result, money is subject to runs when investors lose confidence and don't want to own it. That can lead to financial crises. Topics covered in this episode include:How counterfeiting currency works.Why most money is debt backed by debt.How a loss of confidence in money leads to bank runs and other financial crises.How demand for U.S. Treasuries as collateral is keeping interest rates low even though the U.S. federal budget deficit is growing.Why the Federal Reserve is considering capping interest rate yields on U.S. Treasuries and what are the risks of doing so.What can individuals do to protect themselves against financial crisis caused by runs on banks and financial securities. Thanks to Vistaprint for sponsoring the episode. Use promo code: "david" to get free shipping. Also thank you to The Bouqs Company for sponsoring the show. Use promo code: "david" to get 25% off.

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A personal finance and investing podcast on money, how it works, how to invest it and how to live without worrying about it. J. David Stein is a former Chief Investment Strategist and money manager. For close to two decades, he has been teaching individuals and institutions how to invest and handle their finances in ways that are simple to understand. More info at