On today's episode of Rose Radio, Marley sits down with her bestie @ChelseaRiffe, and BF @maximilianteich, to discuss dating from a GUY'S perspective! They cover: What it's like dating another culture How do you know if a guy is into you What do guys consider "crazy" Love languages Why guys ghost + SO MUCH MORE! Be sure to follow along Marley's personal adventures at @marleyroseharris. Work with Rose Designs and follow their work on Instagram: @rosedesigns.co! Follow Chelsea at @chelseariffe, @yogagirlnextdoor, and listen to her pod: In My Non-Expert Opinion (@nonexpertopinionpod) Follow Max at @maximilianteich and his business, @laguna_brothers

Om Podcasten

This podcast helps individuals step into their highest selves to uncover a life of purpose and freedom. Your host Marley Rose Harris will guide you towards a life of time, location and financial freedom, all whilst feeling good and being in a constant state of flow. This podcast aims to inspire individuals and show them what is accessible and possible, even when it seems out of reach. On the show, Marley is sharing the tools she used to build a multiple 7-figure business while travelling the world and living a life of freedom! P.S. Don’t forget to subscribe, rate and review!