Filling reservoirs, cooling reactors

This week’s episode discusses the hydrological situation in the Nordic and Alpine regions. Reservoir levels in Norway, Sweden and Finland are lower than average, but do not currently pose concerns for winter supply. Listen to a discussion with Mr Hydrology about power exports from Norway, and the outlook for river flows and temperatures in central Europe. Will cooling issues plague France’s nuclear fleet again this summer?Host: Richard Sverrisson, Editor-in-Chief, Montel Guest: Eylert Ellefse...

Om Podcasten

Montel Weekly - market insights from people in the know. Montel Weekly is a podcast dedicated to energy news from markets in Europe and beyond. Every week we invite key industry experts to share insights and to discuss latest developments. Hosted by Richard Sverrisson. Produced by Bled Maliqi. Music by Laurence Walker and Ben Bower.