Be Smart With Your Time: Tips from a Serial Entrepreneur with Zack Pennington

Today’s guest is Zack Pennington. The reason I wanted to have him on the show is because I always admired Zack’s successful involvement in multiple ventures and ability to connect with everyone and anyone. He’s a true master networker and if you know Zack, you know that everyone loves him and companies want him on their team.Zack Pennington recently joined EdjAnalytics, a data science and predictive modeling startup as their Sales Manager. Zack is the founder and CEO of US Chia. Zack helped o...

Om Podcasten

Evan Holladay is a successful real estate developer and investor, entrepreneur, motivational speaker, podcaster, and blogger. On Monumental, we sit down with entrepreneurs, leaders, visionaries, creatives, BIG thinkers, and those helping shape our future. We will talk about mindset and motivation, big vision, what makes them tick, and how all of us can achieve our success, learning from our mistakes and experiences. Find out more at