From Small-time Landlord to 1000+ Mobile Home Units with Ryan Murdock

Ryan Murdock spent 10 years in the electronics manufacturing industry before transitioning to real estate investing and property management in 2007. He has extensive management experience in many facets of real estate including retail, office, multi-family, HOA, and especially mobile home parks - including nationwide consulting and turn-around projects. Ryan has been a licensed real estate broker since 2008 and owns and operates his own portfolio of residential rental properties in addition t...

Om Podcasten

Evan Holladay is a successful real estate developer and investor, entrepreneur, motivational speaker, podcaster, and blogger. On Monumental, we sit down with entrepreneurs, leaders, visionaries, creatives, BIG thinkers, and those helping shape our future. We will talk about mindset and motivation, big vision, what makes them tick, and how all of us can achieve our success, learning from our mistakes and experiences. Find out more at