Closing Out The Year Intentionally: 3 Ways For A Clearer Start to 2024

On this week's episode, Sarah shares a bit about her year, as well as some tips for closing out the year with intention. They are: 1. Assess where you are. 2. Tackle the list. 3. Check out your archetypes and other cosmic clues for the year ahead. Many Moons is now shipping, \[buy here\] ([\]]( Sign up for our January Jumpstart Series \[here\] (\[[\]]( Catch bonus Moonbeaming episodes and support our Patreon [**here**]( Sign up for our [**newsletter**]( and get our free lunar types guide! Visit our [**shop**]( Follow Sarah on [**Instagram**](

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Moonbeaming is a show for the modern witch and magical critical thinker. Join your host Sarah Faith Gottesdiener as she discusses tarot, magic, the moon, creativity, healing, business, witchcraft, and more.