Ep. 47 - Improving Lawyers' Wellbeing And Soft Skills: with Hannah Beko of Authentically Speaking

Lawyers have to juggle a lot of responsibilities in their professional lives and often even more outside of it in their personal ones too. In this episode, I speak to Hannah Beko, property lawyer as well as wellness coach at Authentically Speaking. Hannah and I discuss how mental health is being discussed within the world of law, what firms and lawyers alike can do to improve their wellbeing, as well as vital soft skills to develop in order to succeed in your career. --- You can keep up to date with everything I'm up to - including my latest resources, events and episodes - by signing up to my newsletter here: https://tinyurl.com/hc-signup --- Music provided by Audio Library: Jungle Juice - Wataboi.

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Looking to get more from law? Then this podcast is for you! Learn about the latest developments in the legal industry with a variety of interviews, deep-dive analysis, commentary and discussion designed to broaden your legal horizon. Whether you're a seasoned legal professional or aspirational law student, each episode will grant you a new insight into how you can jumpstart your understanding beyond the letter of the law.