Abundance for Lightworkers Decree

“You are a magnet, a focus point, a station of creation on Earth. When you make the call, your call is answered, right where you are.” ~ Archangel Michael, Opulence Infusion – a new faith currency This empowered prayer, Abundance for Lightworkers, will activate your auric field and make you feel that the entire Universe is at your attention. It is a decree that Jennifer’s been using for years as she began this glorious experiment that is now known as a new faith currency, an Opulence Infusion. Their new book, Opulence Infusion – a new faith currency, is a leading-edge instruction manual that will lift you into a blissful and magical experience of all needs met, all the time, every time ... no matter what.  Pre-orders are available now and you can be a part of the Book Launch Celebration to receive the book and some exclusive gifts, right now. CLICK HERE! The music you are basking in was written, played, and recorded by Michael Gayle. It’s called Yes. You can find all his music here, https://michaelgayleguitar.com/  

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