Spin, Spin, Spin

Are you ready to raise your Light quota? With the gentle guidance of Mother Mary and the Archangels, immerse yourself in the Golden Liquid Light of Abundance as it flows through your 12 chakras, illuminating and activating your Cosmic Flower of Life - the 144 aspects of your Monad, your Lightbody. This meditation will help you open the channels of Wisdom, Love, Opportunity, and Opulence, empowering you to fulfill your purpose now.  “Calibration Chamber” is the light song under this meditation. You’ll find it on Jennifer’s EP titled Opulence on her Bandcamp page. https://jenniferruthrussell.bandcamp.com/ If you’re ready to deepen your spiritual journey in community. Check out Creative Abundance with Mother Mary. https://angelsofabundanceascensionacademy.com/the-membership-program/

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