ASK LAN: Motivation, Enjoying Alone Time, Sticking with Goals, Self Confidence, etc!

#141. Another big sis chat advice column with Lan to close off August... how tf is it the end of August already?! Lan discusses everything from how to stay motivated and excited about your goals, building and maintaining good habits, dating advice, finding the confidence to switch career paths, to learning to love your alone time. Enjoy!! xHow to be Independent EpisodeMotivation vs. Discipline EpisodeITEMS MENTIONED:Runna App (use code ALLANA for your first 2 weeks free)STAY UP TO DATE WITH LAN: business inquiries, only: lanibfit@gmail.comThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at Support this podcast at — Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

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Being you is HOT and Lan wants you to believe that. From routines and habits to mindsets surrounding dating, career, school, friendships, and life in general, Lan has got you. Tune in weekly on Mondays to start your week off right with a new episode of Morning Rae. For advertising inquiries only: