110_The Mom Drill: The 3 Things Every Mom Needs To "Drill" Into Her Daughter

Spring-boarding from a recent, This Is Us episode, on Mother Daughter Connections™ today  I share: The 3 Things my mom drilled into me How I responded to those messages from my mom. The 3 Things I have drilled into our twin daughters & how they have responded to those messages. WHAT DID YOUR MOTHER "DRILL" INTO YOU? Let me know.  WRITE TO ME AT: Dr.Deering@CurativeConnections.com ________________________________________________________________   CELEBRATE THIS PODCAST Help It Reach 100 Reviews!!!  CLICK 5-STARS on iTunes AND WRITING A BRIEF REVIEW (& I'll give you a personal Shout-Out an upcoming episode!!)   Let's Stay Connected :) Dr. Michelle Deering   PS: And if you'd like to CONNECT WITH ME, you can do so  THROUGH THESE RESOURCES:   PDF:The Quick Guide To Lessen Arguments With Your Daughter   Book:What Mothers Never Tell Their Daughters: 5 Keys To Building Trust, Restoring Connection, & Strengthening Relationships   Online Course:www.GetYourDaughterTalkingNow.com   Individual Consultation Services:Apply to The Life Mirror Remedy® Program (TLMR®)   ©Dr. Michelle Deering | All rights reserved.

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What if you could hang out with a compassionate down-to-earth mom who was also expertly trained as a licensed psychologist, ask her any questions or share any concerns you had about your relationship with your daughter; and then take an insight or two to transform your mother-daughter relationship? That’s what happens each week on the Mother Daughter Connections® Podcast. Hosted by Dr. Michelle Deering –– Mother-Daughter Relationship Personal Trainer, best-selling author/speaker, CEO, and mother of twin daughters –– every episode is a conversational, honest in-depth look at motherhood and the complexities of the mother-daughter relationship--the good, the bad, and the pulling-your-hair-out aspects of being a mom. Moms not only rock but also "rock the cradle" of the next generation of leaders; and the Mother-Daughter Connections® is central to that legacy. Come join the community -- the movement -- that believes that healthy relationships between mothers and daughters are possible! Get encouragement. Get equipped so you can improve your mother-daughter relationship . . .one connection at a time.