The Life of a Professional Interpreter w/ Pency Tsai

When was the last time you cursed in front of a judge? If you're Pency Tsai, and your job is to be a full-time language interpreter, it probably happened more recently than one might think.  Pency was a guest on the Move the World with Words podcast recently, and talked to our team all about, among other things: life as a full-time interpreter, why she leaves in all the swear words- no matter who she's talking to, how she rests and recharges, and why she thinks competition in the industry is overblown and damaging to the industry as a whole. You can find out more about the passionate translators who Move the World with Words by subscribing to our podcast on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, or here.

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The world moves on words. There are over 6,000 languages in the world. Every single one of those billions of people can only be reached with, you guessed it, words. Language translation for websites, mobile apps, web apps, videos, marketing channels, and even an email just saying Hi is so much more than making your organization intelligible to speakers of other languages. It’s actually about creating a meaningful, sincere connection with humanity. With professional translation, we instantly form comprehension, connection, and a spark of relationship that can actually change the world. The world moves on words. We can move the world with words. Let’s connect.