205 -- Duplicity

Zandrick and Dondrick Ellison break down the 4th episode of the "Double Agents" season, covering all the social drama and competitive challenges from the ill-fated Drone Control to the infamous Hall Brawl. Through it, we debate whether the political maneuvers made by Fessy, Tori, and others made sense, or whether they may doom those players in the end. As always, the Ellison Brothers give out a "Stock Up, Stock Down" to surprising competitors, and look ahead to the rest of the season. To top it all off, they take the time to bash MTV's Deliciousness as well.

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Brothers Zandrick and Dondrick Ellison break down America's “fifth sport” — MTV's The Challenge (formerly Road Rules/Real World Challenge.) No spoilers and no quitters allowed. For advertising opportunities on this show, or any of the other shows on our network, contact us at: advertise@underdogsportsnetwork.com