211 -- Amber Alert

Zandrick and Dondrick Ellison dive into the latest episode of the "Double Agents" season, entitled Amber Alert. Of course, that title suggests an Amber-centric episode which can only mean underwhelming results. Still, the brothers appreciated the concepts behind the daily and the elimination even if they didn't result in grand entertainment. The Ellisons debate the moves that got us here, the future of Nam-Lolo as America's/Germany's sweethearts, and the future of the players as the gold skulls dwindle and the finals drawn near.

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Brothers Zandrick and Dondrick Ellison break down America's “fifth sport” — MTV's The Challenge (formerly Road Rules/Real World Challenge.) No spoilers and no quitters allowed. For advertising opportunities on this show, or any of the other shows on our network, contact us at: advertise@underdogsportsnetwork.com