Bashar Channeling @ Sedona Arizona Conference 2024 - September Event Open Contact Seminar * Part 2

Bashar Channeling @ Sedona Arizona Conference 2024 - September Event Open Contact Seminar * Part 2 Who is Bashar? Darryl Anka is an internationally known channeller, medium, speaker and author. Anka claims that he began to communicate, through trance-channeling, with an extra-terrestrial entity called Bashar in 1983. He describes Bashar as existing in a parallel reality, in a time frame that we perceive as the future. Thank you for your support! #Basharchanneling #Basharteachings #Consciouscreation #lawofassumption #Consciouscreation #nationallottery #Bashar #BasharClips #attractlove #YogicBreathing

Om Podcasten

Multiverse 5D @ M5D Topics: Alternative News Updates, UFO/UAP, Conspiracies, Paranormal, National Security, Secret Military Black Ops Affairs, Dumb Facilities, Remote Viewing, Downfall Of The Matrix, Schumann Resonance, Nanotechnology, Metaphysics, Golden Era, Extraterrestrials, Aliens, Mythology, Humanity Guardians, Giants, Anunnaki, Hollow Earth, Inner Civilizations, Crystalline Energies, Spirituality, Channeling, Multiverse, Parallel Dimensions, Legends and More. Please Share, Subscribe, Like & Comment! Truth Social: Instagram: @multiverse5dpodcast