33rd International Blues Challenge - Preview Show #3

For the final Preview Show, we begin with a conversation with Joe Whitmer.  Joe is COO of The Blues Foundation and he is THE MAN when it comes to making sure the entire IBC Experience is the best it can be.  Joe will give you the MUSTS and the MUST-NOTS which will make your week in Memphis stellar. Then we bring four long-time IBC Judges together for a Roundtable discussion.  You will have three judges rating your perfomance at each step of the Challenge.  Do each of these folks have the same feelings about the different genres of the Blues? Probably not.  Do all three hear the music you will make the same? Probably not. Do all three want the best acts to move on at each step? ABSOLUTELY.  This will be an interesting discussion with KBA Recipient, Suzanne Swanson, Mick Kolassa, Julia Magness & Ricky Stevens.  Our final guests for the Preview Shows is the band The Delgado Brothers.  These guys won the Band Challenge last year and have been having a year like they have never had before.  They'll talk about their entire IBC Experience.  

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Live, Uncut & Uncensored Conversations With "Musicians You Should Know" Each Monday I spend time with musicians from the Blues-Roots-Americana Genres and let them tell their story in their words. Many guests return over and over with new music and I have been honored with over 36 World Premiers over the years.