Peter Frase: Futures of Democratic Socialism & Free Time
My conversation today is with Peter Frase, author of Four Futures: Life After Capitalism, and member of Jacobin Magazine’s editorial board. Peter is among the most cogent writers on complex socioeconomic topics I’ve encountered. He dropped out of a sociology PhD program & began writing for a more popular, inclusive audience both through his personal website, and as a frequent contributor for Jacobin Magazine, a leading voice in radical left politics. We spoke about: The past, present, and future of democratic socialism How economic frameworks create the conditions with human development The technocracy of John Maynard Keynes Universal Basic Income The social contract of a post-work society. What does “post-work” actually mean? What is leisure time for? What kinds of humans do we wish to become? Thomas Piketty and the new proposals for progressive taxation Peter’s selection of reading for the foundations & futures of democratic socialism