#57 - Kam Knight on How to Avoid Passivity & Prejudice
Kam Knight is the author of several bestselling books on learning, memory, and concentration. Over the past 15 years, he has dedicated his life to uncovering the secrets of the mind and how to optimize its performance. When he is not writing, teaching, or speaking, he is globetrotting, having traveled to nearly 100 countries around the world. * You are invited to join our community and conversations about each episode on FaceBook at https://www.facebook.com/MutuallyAmazingPodcast and join us on Twitter @CenterRespect or visit our website at http://www.MutuallyAmazingPodcast.com** Kam's Bio: Kam Knight is the author of several bestselling books on learning, memory, and concentration. Over the past 15 years, he has dedicated his life to uncovering the secrets of the mind and how to optimize it's performance. When he is not writing, teaching, or speaking, he is globetrotting, having traveled to nearly 100 countries around the world. Growing up I had a very unquiet mind. I had trouble focusing, sitting still, and keeping my mind on my thoughts and my thoughts on my mind. My mind and emotions raced and flew all over the place in quick, intense, and uncontrolled succession. This kept me from performing well in school and affected every area of my personal, professional, and academic life. Every area! Over the past 15 years, I’ve dedicated my life to understanding, exploring, and managing this mayhem. In my quest, I’ve left ‘no stone unturned,’ willing to go anywhere and try anything. This includes working with shamans in jungles of Amazon, experimenting with psychedelic plants in Africa, visiting ashrams in Asia, and everything in between. This has given me an insight into the mind and human condition that is unparalleled – what’s going on inside and how different drives and mechanisms affect our thoughts, actions, and decisions. My writing, books, and courses are a distillation of what I’ve learned on this incredible journey. Links to Kam MindLily.com Books Kam Recommends: Equations of Eternity, Speculations on Consciousness, Meaning, and the Mathematical Rules That Orchestrate the Cosmos Concentration: Maintain Laser Sharp Focus and Attention for Stretches of 5 Hours or More YOUR HOST: Mike Domitrz is the founder of The Center for Respect where he helps educational institutions, the US Military and businesses of all sizes create a culture of respect throughout their organizations. From addressing consent to helping corporations build a workplace free from fear (reducing sexual harassment and helping employees thrive by treating them with respect every day), Domitrz engages audiences by sharing skill sets they can implement into their lives immediately. As an author, trainer, keynote speaker and coach, Mike Domitrz loves working with leaders at all levels. Learn more at http://www.CenterForRespect.com