#81 - Do you know about the power of Collaborative Divorce? Learn from Katherine Miller.
Discover what Collaborative Divorce is and why it is such a powerful option for anyone. 95% of divorces settle before going to court and so why not settle with a positive, respectful outcome? Katherine Miller shares with Mike Domitrz all about this form of divorce. * You are invited to join our community and conversations about each episode on FaceBook at https://www.facebook.com/MutuallyAmazingPodcast and join us on Twitter @CenterRespect or visit our website at http://www.MutuallyAmazingPodcast.com** Katherine’s BIO: Katherine Eisold Miller is a Collaborative Lawyer and mediator with more than 30 years’ experience. She is the founder of The Miller Law Group, a director and trainer at the Center for Understanding in Conflict and also teaches mediation at the Ackerman Institute. Katherine is a past president of the New York Association of Collaborative Professionals. Katherine hosts the radio show and podcast Dialogue on Divorce on WVOX radio and iTunes. Katherine is co-Author of the #1 Amazon bestseller A Cup of Coffee with 10 of the Top Divorce Attorneys in the United States and author of the New Yorker’s Guide to Collaborative Divorce. Links to Katherine: www.westchesterfamilylaw.com www.divorcedialogues.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/katherine.e.miller1 Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/kemiller Instagram: katherineemiller271 Twitter: @keisoldmiller Books Recommended by Katherine: Challenging Conflict by Gary J. Friedman and Jack Himmelstein Powerful Nondefensive Communication by Sharon Strand Ellison YOUR HOST: Mike Domitrz is the founder of The Center for Respect where he helps educational institutions, the US Military and businesses of all sizes create a culture of respect throughout their organizations. From addressing consent to helping corporations build a workplace free from fear (reducing sexual harassment and helping employees thrive by treating them with respect every day), Domitrz engages audiences by sharing skill sets they can implement into their lives immediately. As an author, trainer, keynote speaker and coach, Mike Domitrz loves working with leaders at all levels. Learn more at http://www.CenterForRespect.com