Cold War Kids

Everyone here at My Caffeine Withdrawal had really been looking forward to this week's interview. We're all really big Cold War Kids fans and have been for quite a while. So having Matt Maust and Nathan Willet over to my house for coffee was kind of a dream come true. I had a very interesting talk with Matt and Nathan about their approaches to making music, how it's changed throughout the years, and what they hope to release next.

Om Podcasten

My Caffeine Withdrawal is a podcast about coffee and what motivates and inspires artists to create. Each episode begins with coffee - whether it is a favorite blend, a preferred tool, or a particular style, everyone has a ritual. With their coffee’s in hand, they sit down and talk for about inspirations, processes, and anything else that stimulates creativity. With coffee, talking, and the occasional song, My Caffeine Withdrawal will get right to the heart of why artists do what they do and how they do it.