112. Filler Words: When & How to Avoid Using Them

Filler words like "ums" and "uhs" often find their way into our speech without conscious awareness, diluting the power of our message and potentially distracting our audience. In this episode of the My English Matters podcast, Amnah talks about these filler words and explores when they serve a purpose, when they might hinder our communication, and how we can strike that perfect balance. Do you want to learn to speak English with confidence? Go to https://www.myenglishmatters.com​ and sign up to join our FREE video course, Speaking with Confidence. We’ll send you seven tips to your email address!

Om Podcasten

We're the Shurfa sisters from Malaysia—Azimah, Amnah and Aisya. After spending eight years in the U.K. as children, we know the importance of mastering a second language. We created My English Matters as a platform to help second language learners learn to speak, write and communicate in English with confidence! The My English Matters podcast is an extension of all that we do—it's a place for us to connect with you on a whole new level. You can learn with us while you're on your commute to work, washing the dishes or picking your kids up from school! So let's get started, shall we?