My Life In The Mosh Of Ghosts - Gig 50. Kraftwerk, Sheffield City Hall, 19th June 1981

MLITMOG reaches it's half-century with one of Roger's favourite gigs of all time. The jaw-dropping combination of sound and vision that was Kraftwerk on tour to promote their Computer World album in the summer of 1981. Intro and outro music: Simon Elliott-Kemp. Artwork: Rionagh. Sound FX: courtesy of With particular thanks to - Komit - synths and beats. Ampul - pocket calculator. Avakas - soccer crowd. Simon Wye - Korg. Mirko - concert ambience. Udo Pohlmann - vocoder. ...

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Every gig I have ever seen. Forty-odd years of thud, sweat and beers. Starting in 1977 and currently covering 1984, if you are a fan of Sheffield music from bands like Cabaret Voltaire and The Human League. Or you like Industrial and Post-Punk music in general, there will be something here for you to check out. I'm Roger Quail, I grew up in Sheffield and played drums with Clock DVA and The Box in this era.