My Life In The Mosh Of Ghosts - Gig 52. Bow Wow Wow, The Lyceum Theatre, Sheffield, 29th October 1981.

Roger reflects on the tragic loss of former band mate Stephen "Judd" Turner, who passed away on September 29th, 1981, aged 24 years old. The same day as the narrator turned 21. Some weeks pass, and the mood is lifted by the irresistible afro-pop sizzle of Bow Wow Wow, live at the recently re-opened Lyceum Theatre in Sheffield. Thank you to Simon Elliott-Kemp for the intro and outro music and stings. Thank you to Rionagh for the artwork. Sound FX courtesy of, with particular t...

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Every gig I have ever seen. Forty-odd years of thud, sweat and beers. Starting in 1977 and currently covering 1984, if you are a fan of Sheffield music from bands like Cabaret Voltaire and The Human League. Or you like Industrial and Post-Punk music in general, there will be something here for you to check out. I'm Roger Quail, I grew up in Sheffield and played drums with Clock DVA and The Box in this era.