Talking About Race & Embracing Differences

Children’s questions about physical differences often catch us off guard. Parents worry about getting the response wrong, making the situation tense. But TV host and co-founder of ByUs Box, Nicole Stamp, says there’s a better approach.   On today’s episode with host Jessica Rolph, Nicole offers ways of thinking about these encounters from an equity perspective, ensuring everyone comes away from the interaction having had a positive experience. Equally important is the practice of building conversations about inclusion into the every day. After all, these are the conversations — which continue throughout a child’s life — that help our kids to make sense of the world.   Key Takeaways: [1:45] We teach children to categorize from a young age by encouraging them to distinguish patterns, colors, and shapes. How does this categorization connect to the research on how toddlers are categorizing people? [5:15] If a 2 or 3 year old walks up to somebody with a mobility device full of questions, how should a parent respond? [6:20] Nicole explains the difference between diversity and equity. [7:15] What does inclusion really mean? [8:55] How can you guide a conversation with a child interested in another child with a physical difference? [11:45] What kind of proactive steps can parents take to reinforce equity and inclusion? [17:12] Nicole explains why being “color blind” does not help create the equitable society that we strive for. [21:30] If a parent avoids conversations about race or other differences among people, their child is picking up on that message in non-verbal ways. [23:33] Jessica shares her takeaways from a powerful conversation.   Mentioned in this episode: Brought to you by ByUs Box

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The early years of a child’s life are the most important for their long-term development. Sometimes, the abundance of information out there can feel overwhelming and difficult to navigate. My New Life is here to support parents and help make sense of the science behind early learning. I’m Jessica Rolph, mother of three and CEO of Lovevery. With the help of experts from around the world, we break down all the child development science into usable nuggets of knowledge that you can put to the test in your own home.