House Tours & Other Real-Life Experiences that Build Your Baby’s Brain

While humans are continuously learning, we are born with something of an empty canvas and it’s the early experiences that we encounter as babies that form the brain architecture to support that learning. Dr. William Staso talks about the science behind his book, “Neural Foundations: What Stimulation Your Baby Needs to Become Smart.” Please DM @JessicaRolph for a free copy of the book.

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The early years of a child’s life are the most important for their long-term development. Sometimes, the abundance of information out there can feel overwhelming and difficult to navigate. My New Life is here to support parents and help make sense of the science behind early learning. I’m Jessica Rolph, mother of three and CEO of Lovevery. With the help of experts from around the world, we break down all the child development science into usable nuggets of knowledge that you can put to the test in your own home.