Episode 44 _ Ali Siadatan Exposes Past Evils, Ancient Deceptions Playing out in Today's Events!
Ali Siadatan is native to Iran and is steeped in the ancient perspectives that help us understand how the Bible applies to modern times. Through Ali's work at Think Again Productions and our conversation with him in this video you will have a renewed understanding of the events in Israel and even in your own towns and churches. We discuss events in the Middle East, the dangers of the "Queen of Heaven" and much more. Ali is the filmmaker behind eye-opening documentaries like "Goliath Rising: Hybrids, Nephilim, and Titans" and "UFOs Angels + Gods". See Ali's work here: https://thinkagainproductions.com/ Follow Ali on Twitter/X: https://x.com/ufosangelsgods Ali on YouTube: / @alisiadatan4320 Don't forget to join the Mystery Bible On discussion forum on the Telegram messaging app! Use this link: https://t.me/+80oR_im4L6s0ZTlh