Söndagssoffan #8

SÖNDAGSSOFFAN 2020-08-30 Join us for this week's English Sunday Sofa to discuss the devastating effects of the Swedish government's pursuit of herd immunity, including how they have employed children to spread-19. We discuss Public Health Agency internal emails obtained through freedom of information laws and also debunk the latest claims Anders Tegnell made on August 26 to the Swedish American Chamber of Commerce in San Francisco. Join us for a thorough fact check! Joining us are: Jens Sörensen, Nele Brusselears, Andrew Ewing and guest Kelly Bjorklund. Do you want to support the channel? Then you can do it now via Swish. All contributions go in full to produce the material for our channels here on Facebook and Youtube. Our swish number is: 123 656 8406. You can also see this conversation on Facebook and Youtube: https://www.facebook.com/VetenskapsforumCovid19/videos/3276552875755705/ https://youtu.be/PSFArkxMOdw Vinjett: Screen Saver Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

Om Podcasten

Detta är en evidensbaserad podd skapad av ett antal forskare och läkare - de som media valt att kalla för "de 22" - med syfte att sprida kunskap om COVID19 och närliggande frågeställningar. This is a podcast created by a number of researchers and medical doctors with the aim of spreading knowledge about all aspects COVID19. https://vetcov19.se/