Live Your Life with Love

Valentine’s Day is a time designated to the celebration of every kind of love, including familial, friendly, and romantic. In this episode of the NABS Now Podcast, we hear from Texas Affiliate President Norma Crosby and her First Gentleman Glenn as they allow listeners a glance into their story, which begins with a friendship founded in the Federation. This couple, approaching their 32nd anniversary, offers a personal and humorous take on navigating the world of love alongside your best friend. Whether you’re celebrating on February 14 this year or not, this episode will introduce you to both a set of fantastic Federation leaders and a kindhearted couple that can teach us all a thing or two about laughing, living, and loving. Also in this episode, you will find sporatic dating safety tips that can help ensure you’re starting off into the world of love as safely and confidently as possible. For more information, visit Thank you to special guests Norma and Glenn Crosby. Created and produced by Nina Marranca, Elizabeth Rouse, Kenia Flores, and Seyoon Choi. Are you interested in assisting with the planning and production of the NABS Now Podcast? Email Nina at:   for more information.

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Produced by students for students: NABS NOW focuses on subjects that students, educators, professionals and others come to learn, share, and voice. Hear stories from fellow blind students and professionals in education and career fields, learn tips, tricks and advice to pave the way towards success, and more. Podcast brought to you by the National Association of Blind Students, a proud division of the National Federation of the Blind