Till Death Do Us Pod - S3 Episode 10 - 2020 Sex Trends

2020 has seen us talking about sex a lot, we interviewed Venus O'Hara - a sex toy designer and orgasm activist, then we looked at the 12 types of Orgasm and two weeks ago we interviewed Alicia Sinclair, a sex tech company owner. So this week we are carrying on with this theme and looking at what the trend setters forecast as the Top Sex Trends for 2020 - before lockdowns and quarantines became our 2020 reality. 

Om Podcasten

Writer and Content Creator Tova Leigh exploits her husband Mike and forces him into no hold barred conversations about love, marriage, parenting, social media and sex with the promise of actually cooking dinner once in a while. Till Death Do Us Pod is their unofficial 'date night' with the occasional interview and answering questions from the listeners.