Till Death Do Us Pod - S3 Episode 21 - 2020 Review

2020 has been like one big story after another and then the corona virus and lockdown hit. It has been so all-consuming that it is like nothing happened this year other than day drinking, homeschooling and eating our feelings…which is a more tactful way of saying ‘getting fat’. This has been dubbed a ‘CoronaCoaster’ of a year! So here we are looking at all the different things that happened in 2020, including our favourite movies and programmes for the year. 

Om Podcasten

Writer and Content Creator Tova Leigh exploits her husband Mike and forces him into no hold barred conversations about love, marriage, parenting, social media and sex with the promise of actually cooking dinner once in a while. Till Death Do Us Pod is their unofficial 'date night' with the occasional interview and answering questions from the listeners.