Why It Can Be Dangerous To Boost the Immune System With Autism [Episode 109]

Children with autism have immune system disorders. Similar to autoimmune diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, or inflammatory bowel disease there is abnormally low activity or over activity of the immune system. In cases of immune system overactivity, the body attacks and damages its own tissues (autoimmune diseases). As a response to a trigger, the immune system may begin producing antibodies that attack its own body’s tissues, instead of fighting the infection. Taking such immune boosting herbal formulas such as echinacea can boost the immune system for those in need of it, but for many with autoimmune issues this herb can over stimulate the immune system causing further immune deficiency reducing the natural ability to fight foreign invaders in the body and creating further vulnerability to infections. Immune Modulation and the Gut Treatment for autoimmune diseases generally focuses on reducing immune system activity. All too often parents unknowingly create further immune system issues in children with autism. It is important to work with the causes which can naturally be immune regulating. Pharmaceutical drugs are often given for these issues but a much more effective way of balancing the causes come from diet, detoxification, reducing inflammation, and improving the health of the GI system. The Good News Epigenetics is the science of genes being altered by environmental factors. It is noted in one study, Genetic and epigenetic influences on the loss of tolerance in autoimmunity, that “Both genetic predisposition and epigenetic modifications are implicated in the loss of tolerance and autoimmunity”. What To Do Supporting the liver during detoxification with toxin binders helps to remove toxic waste that can back up if the liver is not strong enough to excrete them on its own. Children with autism are often born with a congested liver. Healing the gut is also crucial to modulating the immune system and for optimum results in autism recovery. The gut controls up to eighty per cent of the immune system. A weak GI tract will cause a lack of nutrient absorption and a weak and dysregulated immune system. Click Here or Click the link below for more details. http://naturallyrecoveringautism.com/109

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Empowering Parents with the Resources to Naturally Recover Autism from a mom who has done it. Having once been told her son could not recover from his symptoms of autism Karen Thomas now shares what she has learned through over a decade of personal research and experience that has brought her own son to recovery. Her background as a Craniosacral Therapist allowed her the awareness that the brain could heal if given the right support. Karen shares the biological, holistic health-based resources she used to recover her own son. Learn how you can allow your child a clear path for a happier and more fulfilling life with improved communication, better sleep, improved social abilities, and overall improved health. Join Karen and utilize what she has to share from her knowledge and personal experience, along with special expert guest interviews to help empower parents and caregivers with the natural resources needed for optimum recovery. https://NaturallyRecoveringAutism.com