Should I Buy an Electric Car?

SHOULD I BUY AN ELECTRIC CAR?Following the record Tesla valuation and GM going electric, there is a turmoil in the car industry. Also some companies are placing and playin chess in the electrification game.Is it too early? Is it late already? Is it too expensive? Is the technologie mature enough? Will the bateries loose performance as in cell phones? BY "OLLO, LÓSTREGO!" AND BIBLIOGRAPHY: https://w,produced)%20from%20primary%20energy%20sources

Om Podcasten

Navitas Podcast. Energy, engineering and global geopolitics will be at the center of a laydown data driven podcast to understand the future of the engineering impacting our day to day basis. On a simple way, trying to help to interpretate the global and high level engineering movements to give some hand-on advices for the listeners decisions in buying, investing or just finding information.