Changing Perceptions with Graham Chatterley

Written by Graham Chatterley, Changing Perceptions: Deciphering the language of behaviour provides everyone working with children a better understanding of the causes of challenging behaviour and what motivates it. This timely book moves the dial on the perception of challenging behaviour in schools. De-escalation is important but it is only part of the process: if we really want to change behaviour, we have to understand it. The causes of poor behaviour are many and varied: fear, stress, anxiety and the feeling of being overwhelmed can all take their toll. Changing Perceptions examines the motives behind challenging behaviour and the consequences that come with it, detailing ways in which these situations can be managed calmly and consistently. Better understanding and empathy can make children feel safer, build their trust, develop belonging and consequently create more effective learners in the classroom. Empathy is the master key to unlocking the most challenging pupils. When we consistently respond to children with empathy and compassion, we don’t just put a sticking plaster over a problem, we change their experiences: how they feel and how they behave long term. Importantly, this approach also greatly improves staff wellbeing by increasing understanding of challenging behaviour and how it is perceived. In this book, Graham sets out why it is so important to teach behaviour and provides practical ways to deal with the most challenging situations in the classroom and stop the conflict spiral. He also covers the importance of validating feelings, building self-esteem, improving emotional resilience, raising expectations, fostering positive values and much more. Essential reading for teachers, school leaders and everyone working with challenging behaviour. Contents include: Introduction Chapter 1: Relationships Chapter 2: How we respond Chapter 3: The origins of behaviour Chapter 4: Short-term survival responses Chapter 5: What is the behaviour communicating? Chapter 6: The five responses to threat Chapter 7: Prevention is better than cure Chapter 8: Consequences Chapter 9: Long-term survival Chapter 10: Shielding from shame Chapter 11: Not school ready Chapter 12: Overwhelm Chapter 13: Lifting them up Chapter 14: Linking self-esteem and additional needs Chapter 15: My autism journey Chapter 16: Emotional resilience Chapter 11: The power of trauma Chapter 12: Behind the mask Chapter 13: Expectations and values Chapter 14: Enforcing external control versus teaching self-control Chapter 15: Less is sometimes more Conclusion

Om Podcasten

"Naylor's natter...just talking to teachers" Naylor's Natter is the brainchild of Phil Naylor , created initially to share musings on evidence, research and CPD. The podcast has grown significantly since its first episode in early 2019 and is now proudly independent. We have no sponsorship or affiliation. As the podcast has evolved so has its reach, we feel passionately about diversity of opinion and representation of our profession. To ensure we better reflect teaching , we are now proud to add more hosts to the podcast. Opinions are guests and hosts alone.