S1E19: Kate Harrison| Preemies, Extended NICU stay, and Thriving as a new twin mom

Kate Harrison is a new twin mom to 4 month old Boy/Girl Twins.  She talks about having her twins premature and their extended NICU stay.  She discusses what it is like juggling a new born at home and one still in the hospital. Kate shares what she is doing to survive and enjoy the early stages of having twins. Find Kate on instagram @betterbeauty.betterlife or check out her website https://www.betterbeautybetterlife.com/ Also check out Twin Moms Thriving on all major podcast platforms or HERE To be a guest on the show head to NeighborhoodTwinMom.Com and fill out the "Be our Guest" form Follow Amber on Instagram @NeighborhoodTwinMom Inquires for Neighborhood Twin Mom, email Contact@neighborhoodtwinmom.com

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When a textbook just won't cut it, turn to the real experts…moms like you! Twin moms who have experienced all the ups and downs of raising multiple kids. Amber will interview one of her friends that will inspire you, educate you and more importantly, let you know that you're not alone. This podcast is not just for twin moms. Any mom can benefit from the experiences of these twin moms. When you have twins, it's motherhood compounded. You learn a lot of lessons very quickly, and we want to share them all with you. Visit NeighborhoodTwinMom.com Or @NeighborhoodTwinMom on Instagram