A Mother's Role? A Mothers Day Celebration with our Mums

How did your life change when you became a Mother? Bec and Sarge talk about that moment and how they mind mum life. They also speak to their own mothers Maree and Inga about Mothering their children; advice they have for other mothers, looking back do they feel they made any mistakes, what's the most important thing to do as a mother and how they think their daughters turned out? A celebration of #Mumlife thanks to The Little Unicorn Early Childhood Centres, Honeysuckle, Broadmeadow and soon to be Charlestown Square. 

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'I GOT IT FROM MY MUMMA' every Mum's weekly dose of me too moments, mum hack tips, healthy child and mum info, taboo mum topics and pop culture. It's presented by Mel Sargeant and Bec Tansey who head up NHM Newcastle Hunter Mummas (www.nhmnewcastlehuntermummas.com) join our closed Facebook support group today and get help from over 30,000 Mums.