Let's Grow a Vege Garden with Lee Sullivan

How would you feel about your kids eating fresh veggies that they'd grown themselves with your help? How would you feel about halving your grocery list and your children experiencing first hand what it's like to pick their food from their own garden? Lee Sullivan is the creator of the Urban Vege Patch she speaks in easy to understand terms and is anything but boring. You'll fall in love with this green thumb mum just like we did. To win with NHM or for more NHM goodness go here. Thanks to The Little Unicorn Early Education Centres Newcastle Australia, Explore, Play, Discover, Grow enrol now. For more on NHM and to win with us go here. 

Om Podcasten

'I GOT IT FROM MY MUMMA' every Mum's weekly dose of me too moments, mum hack tips, healthy child and mum info, taboo mum topics and pop culture. It's presented by Mel Sargeant and Bec Tansey who head up NHM Newcastle Hunter Mummas (www.nhmnewcastlehuntermummas.com) join our closed Facebook support group today and get help from over 30,000 Mums.