Tackling Mum Guilt

I feel sad to admit there are times when I'm so affected by Mum guilt that it stops my enjoying life, affects my working life and really gets me down. This week Emma from The Jacardanda Centrehelps you learn to deal with Mum guilt so it doesn't effect your health and life and you can learn to let go. Also when does it become something that we should be concerned about, if you are suffering more than other mothers, how can you get help from family and friends and professionally. Sponsored by The Little Unicorn Early Education Centres Newcastle. 

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'I GOT IT FROM MY MUMMA' every Mum's weekly dose of me too moments, mum hack tips, healthy child and mum info, taboo mum topics and pop culture. It's presented by Mel Sargeant and Bec Tansey who head up NHM Newcastle Hunter Mummas (www.nhmnewcastlehuntermummas.com) join our closed Facebook support group today and get help from over 30,000 Mums.