Your Family, Your Will

What would happen if you and your partner were in an accident tomorrow? Who would look after your kids and how would they be provided for? Also, what if your position was to change and you weren't with your partner anymore and you'd made a will but it needed to be changed? What would happen if you hadn't made a will and you passed away? All these questions and more answered in this podcast with Liam from Baker Love Lawyers. Plus the opportunity to create a Will, Power of Attorney and Appointment of Enduring Guardian documents for a couple at no charge. NHM - I Got It From My Mumma is proudly Sponsored by The Little Unicorn Early Education Centres at Broadmeadow, Honeysuckle and now taking enrolments for the new centre at Charlestown Square. 

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'I GOT IT FROM MY MUMMA' every Mum's weekly dose of me too moments, mum hack tips, healthy child and mum info, taboo mum topics and pop culture. It's presented by Mel Sargeant and Bec Tansey who head up NHM Newcastle Hunter Mummas ( join our closed Facebook support group today and get help from over 30,000 Mums.