Brat is a Masterclass in Music Marketing

Welcome to Part 2 of our series on Brat and Charli XCX! In part 1 of this series, we discussed the lore of Charli and the Brat album. The problems she face in the music industry, and how this 16 year long journey amounted to where she is today. But Charli's career did NOT always look like this. Brat is her 6th studio album. So what changed? And what made brat so successful? My theory was the story behind this album, and how masterfully it was told. The music marketing of this album is unlike anything I have ever seen. You can't go 10 minutes online anywhere without seeing "brat summer" at least once. We are now even seeing how this has permeated the mainstream, and even begin to have influence over politics. In today's episode we discuss the genius music marketing of brat-- and why this rollout is one of the best I have ever seen.

Om Podcasten

Welcome to my solo podcast!!! My name is Nicky and I used to work in the entertainment industry for 3 years on the social strategy & marketing side before I ever became a Creator. I am obsessed with analyzing the stories behind Music, Movies, and Marketing. I truly believe the media we consume is so important to our development and how we interact in society. Growing up in the suburbs of Virginia as a very closeted teenager, I remember how isolated I felt. It was Youtube and Music that made me feel scene for the first time. Hopefully I can make someone else feel that way too <3