Nine Lives with Dr. Kat - Ep 135 Make Halloween Less Scary for Your Cats!

It’s October! Halloween is already everywhere, and cats (or at least their images) seem to be a natural part of the spooky festivities. But there are things that pose a risk to cats during this time. Make sure you are aware. From glow sticks to festive bouquets, we find out the Do's and Don'ts from Dr. Jill Lopez. See if your cat is safe on this episode of Nine Lives with Dr. Kat!

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You have heard all the cat myths. Do cats have nine lives? You have watched your cat do quirky things. Why does your cat follow you to the bathroom? We live with these tiny predators, yet we do not truly know them. What do they really need to eat? How do their minds work? Cats are still an enigma. How do you keep your cat fit and healthy? If it is related to cats, I will relate it to you! Together we will explore all aspects of the “cat-o-sphere” and learn everything we can about cats from all kinds of cats-perts and me, Dr. Kat! Let’s laugh and learn and make cat lives better together on Nine Lives with Dr. Kat.