Finding Genius in the Collective - Healthcare Edition

If there is one thing we have learned in recent times, it's that we do not have to do it alone! Resiliency is not about being the toughest in the room, it's about finding the genius in the collective. In this interview, Cy talks with social workers Lori Gunther and Melissa Gehl, co-owners of Synova, whose mission is to create rewarding programs for Nurse Leaders. Listen in for tips to help hope make a comeback, lead a revolution of recovery, and succeed in spite of the facts. You will also learn about the new RBLNP program to help develop and retain your healthcare leaders! 

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Reality-Based Leadership, hosted by NY Times best-selling author Cy Wakeman and her VP of People Evolution Alex Dorr, will give you the tools you need as a leader to ditch the drama, end entitlement, and drive big results in your workplace and worldplace. It is time to modernize your leadership approach. In each episode, you will learn practical ways to evolve yourself, lead your teams with love AND call them up to greatness each and every day.