Sam Kennedy on leading the Boston Red Sox

Sam Kennedy, President and CEO of the Boston Red Sox, says he works in the “toy of department of life,” providing joy, distraction, and excitement for fans nationwide. Stan McChrystal and Chris Fussell sat with Sam at the beginning of the Red Sox’s Spring Training and discussed Sam’s three priorities for the Red Sox: winning games, preserving Fenway Park, and being active in the community. Sam shares what it’s like to lead in a fishbowl with some of the nation’s most enthusiastic fans and why the frontline employees at Fenway Park are the center of gravity for the team. As the Red Sox embark on the crucial months of their training, Kennedy shares how the team will make a comeback after COVID-19. We release our McChrystal Group Leader’s Journal every other Wednesday with new No Turning Back episodes and thought leadership pieces. Join us for valuable insights on leadership here: 

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No Turning Back is a podcast by retired Army Four-Star General Stan McChrystal and former Navy SEAL Chris Fussell. In this series, they explore the future of leadership and teams with the world's most consequential leaders. From CEOs to political leaders to deep thinkers, Stan and Chris will bring you advice from the brightest minds about how to tackle the most pressing organizational and institutional challenges we face.