Simon Sinek on finding inspiration in hardship

Simon Sinek is the author of multiple best-selling books including Start With Why, which led to his viral TED Talk about how great leaders inspire action with the concept of “why.” He is a thought leader changing how we connect leaders and organizations together to inspire a sense of purpose and action. A visionary and optimist, Simon shares his perspective on the future of organizations, observations from teams this year, and why people are so motivated to find their purpose.

Om Podcasten

No Turning Back is a podcast by retired Army Four-Star General Stan McChrystal and former Navy SEAL Chris Fussell. In this series, they explore the future of leadership and teams with the world's most consequential leaders. From CEOs to political leaders to deep thinkers, Stan and Chris will bring you advice from the brightest minds about how to tackle the most pressing organizational and institutional challenges we face.